Our Philosophy


Bitters have come a long way since the days of snake oil merchants and cure-all tonics. For us, bitters are a  ‘bartenders spice rack’ - the secret ingredients to any cocktail recipe, from the simple classics to the most complex and experimental inventions. Our bitters are designed with the simple quest to elevate flavours, to delight the senses, and to leave a lasting impression.

Mister Bitters aims to produce bitters of the highest quality using local Australian ingredients. All of our ingredients are peeled, prepared, infused, pressed, blended, filtered, batched and bottled by hand, ensuring that our bitters are the best they can be - from us to you.

Our ethos of supporting local means that we source Australian ingredients, champion our local hospitality venues, and are continuously seeking to improve on our bitters to create unique and delicious flavours for our customers. 


Handcrafted, small batch, artisanal creations.


Our Story

Born out of a collaboration between bartenders and local booze enthusiasts, Australia’s first bitters company was founded in 2014 after we grew tired of collecting and combining existing bitters products on offer. We wanted to create the unique flavour combinations we dreamed of using in our own cocktails, and sharing them with other drinkers and drink-makers. 

The resultant bitters are flavour-forward fusions of the finest ingredients sourced locally in Australia, creating distinct and delightful blends of fruits, herbs and spices that are bitter, rich, sweet, dry and delicious. 



Photo credit: @melbournesupperclub


Everything is better with bitters.